Increase your Running Stride Length and Turnover Rate

Increase your Running Stride Length and Turnover Rate

One of the best ways to increase your running stride length and turnover rate is to develop strong hip flexor muscles.  These are powerful and long muscles located in the front side of each of your hips.

Your hip flexors are some of the longest and strongest muscles in your body, but they are essentially dormant in most athletes, meaning, they have never been activated for speed or exercised properly for any athletic function other than walking.

Some of them, begin high up in your lumbar spine while others start out low on the pelvis; and, they all cross the hip joint.  Most of them attach to your thigh while one of them, the Sartorius, is so long that it attaches just below the knee.

.They get called into action every time one of your legs gets fully extended behind you.  Above we can see the athlete’s left leg is now fully extended behind him.  This stretches the hip flexor muscles in front of his left hip and now they are ready for action.
At this point, it is the job of the hip flexor muscles to first pull the weight of your entire leg underneath your body.
This action of the hip flexors continues until the thigh is fully flexed in front of your body.

if you ever want to be an all-star athlete and be able to separate yourself from a defender to make a play, or run a faster 40, or perhaps become a better defender in football and never let your man get open like a shut-down cornerback, or even something like stealing second base, beating a throw to first or chasing down a fly ball in baseball, you will absolutely need to start training to improve this area immediately.
As you can imagine, this is a very powerful motion that tends to get overlooked in one’s training and is one of the keys to help athletes improve not only their stride length, but, their turnover rate as well.
Get more details about stride length for running speed at
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[This post originally appeared on]


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